Tuesday, April 9, 2013

runDisney Marathon Weekend Registration is OPEN!

I'm hitting the pause button on my Pear Heart Rate Monitor review one more time because I have new race news!

Now, you know I love me some runDisney events, and this year they've sweetened their already super-sweet Marathon Weekend pot o'goodness with a new race distance (10K!) and a new mega-challenge (The Dopey). How could we refuse?

The addition of the Dopey is a clear response to runDisney fans everywhere who had already been running their own "unofficial" Dopey Challenge - meaning, 5K on Friday, Half Marathon on Saturday, Full Marathon on Sunday - but Disney doesn't do anything small. They've added the 10K race into that mix. So one could say that this is a "Race and a Half... and a Half..."

Now, it's not cheap, this mega-challenge. The price tag is almost $500, but... you get 6 medals... 5K, 10K, Half, Full, Goofy and Dopey. Plus 6 shirts. That's right. SIX WHOLE SHIRTS!

They're also responding to the ongoing outcry from all us lady runners, and they're finally offering race shirts in women's sizes! Hooray!

I'm also glad to see that they're taking the overcrowding on the course more seriously, by trimming back the number of participants in the half and full marathons, plus putting stricter controls on the corral placements. Hopefully that'll make the course a bit more enjoyable. I left my Half Marathon experience last year not being entirely sure that I wanted to attempt it again. It was frustrating to not have room to run, or MOVE for that matter.

Initially, we weren't going to register at all. We're Disney Vacation Club members and we could have signed up for the races a few days ago... but, being on the ship, you don't always notice dates, and you try not to think to far ahead because who knows where we'll be in January?

But then today, while trying to download Game of Thrones in Roatan, Honduras, my sister emailed to see what our Marathon Weekend plans might be. I was non-committal. Until I saw that the 10K was 80% sold out!


Didn't registration just open to the public this morning?

Yeah, let's get signed up for that. Now if I could just get the DVC Member website to open so I can make room reservations...

We figure 10k is a nice, civilized distance to do this year, and we can probably get a couple of rounds of golf in while we're down there.

And how can you say no to a Minnie Mouse medal? You can't. Don't even try.

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