Tomorrow morning I leave for Chicago to run the Chicago Women's Half Marathon, which means I have today to get ready for my trip.
I'm currently flip-flopping on what to wear for the race. The forecast calls for totally icky weather. Icky for me, anyway. I'm not great with heat, and that's what we're looking at. Heat! It'll feel like 82 degrees by 8 AM. Humidity to swim through.
So I'll definitely be packing my hydration belt!
As a matter of fact, in that heat, I'll probably want to wear one of my SparkleSkirts.
Since my lovely Dolotech seems to have an uncomfortable seam for running in an *ahem* unfortunate place (it's been relegated to golf only), It looks like I'll be running in my Minnie Mouse print skirt. Which is light and comfortable, but it'll be an interesting colour combo with my new pink/purple FuelBelt! Add in my grey and neon yellow shoes, and I'll be quite the sight.
Source: SparkleSkirts |
Source: FuelBelt (What can I say, it was $15 at Marshall's) |
Source: Nike |
Not the most co-ordinated, admittedly. I'll temper the whole thing with my grey Lululemon grey Run: Swiftly racerback tank. You know, throw a neutral in there.
Also going in my runDisney rolling duffle for my overnight stay:
- KT Tape
- KT adhesive spray
- CEP Compression Sleeves
- Halo Headband
- Endurolyte Tabs
- Clif Shots
- Honey Stingers
- Tylenol
- Sunscreen
- Sunglasses
- Balega Socks
- Compression (Recovery) Socks
- PEAR heart rate monitor
- iPhone, headphones, armband & charger
- SpiBelt with race bib dongley-doos (not the official name, I'm sure)
- Contact Lens case, solution & spare pair
- Body Glide
Today I'm focussing on hydrating and carbo loading. Again, with the heat and flying the day before the race, I'm behind the 8-ball with hydration. I don't want a repeat of my Disneyland Half Marathon shenanigans. Plus I want to get those glycogen stores up where they need to be so I don't hit a wall.
I'm found a good Runner's World article on Carbo-Loading, so I'm working with that advice and planning a good night's sleep before tomorrow's 9:40 am flight.
Which reminds me. Time for a glass of water...
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