Sunday, May 12, 2013

Back on the Training Wagon

As my last post so mentioned (with great subtlety), I officially bit the stress-bullet and signed up for the Chicago Women's Half Marathon (June 23). So that leaves me about 6 weeks to get trained up.


Did I mention I haven't been running a ton?

I've got my plan worked out to get me up to 10 miles in advance of the race, including step-back weeks and a taper, so I think I'll be ok. I've done more with less, plus I really think that P90X has made a big difference in my overall conditioning

So today, I start in earnest, with an easy 6 miles. Best part is? It'll be on LAND! We're in Bermuda today, so a few of us are going to go out for a light run this afternoon. It's 70 degrees today, and windy so I'm hoping the lack of a hydration belt won't feel like that big of a deal today.

Later on, when things heat up? My tune may change and my short-sighted packing may bite me in the butt.

Either way, I'm just glad I have a goal again.